Every year, Frinton Literary Festival devises a magical offer for either school classes or school-age children.
In 2024, we'll be bring an author into select primary schools across the Tendring district. You can find out more information closer to the Festival!
This is a service that is provided free by the festival, thanks to the continued support of local sponsors - including TBS - and loyal festival goers. We hope this helps to promote the love of literature amongst the young people of our community, and encourage the readers and the writers of the future.
Over the years a number of our wonderful author guests have also kindly given their time for talks and activities with local schools. Many children’s authors and illustrators have visited our primary schools, as well as Tendring Technology College to talk about their work and their books with pupils.
For a list of authors who have talked at local schools, please see our Featured Authors section.
For more information about how to get your school involved, contact enquiries@flitfest.co.uk.​